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Showing posts from June, 2020

Knowing project management jargon is the very first step for both preparation of standard project management exams and being a part of or handling a project. While acquaintance with PM terms is considered a primary step, not knowing the project management tongue can easily lead to miss-communication and eventually to critical loss during the project execution.   So, let’s revise the project management glossary to identify some standard terms that you may come across or should know as a project manager or as an associate working on any project. 1. Activity:  PMBOK V6 defines it as the smallest portion of a project used in planning, tracking, and control. It is also identified as an amount of work performed that converts inputs into appropriate output. 2. Assumptions:  Assumptions are listed factors while dealing with the statement of work. It contributes to ensuring the validation and result of a project. 3. Backlog:  Backlog is essentially everything that needs to be done